25th November 2023 10.00 -13.00 - The Avenue Methodist Church
Messiah Singing Morning
25th November 2023 10.00 -13.00 - The Avenue Methodist Church
Messiah Singing Morning
We'll be spending the morning exploring choruses from Handel's Messiah. This event is open to non-choir members, for singers who know this work and would like an opportunity to sing with us in our Messiah Concert on 9th December.
Registration is from 9.30 and you will need to bring your own Novello score.
Please see application form below.
Please contact Alison if you would like a form emailing to you or for more information.

Conductor : Russell Medley
Accompanist : Roderick Barrand
Tickets £10 (students £5)
Online booking at Ticket Source
Contact : ambailey430@gmail.com ( 07870 407373)